Ideal test results can not be separated from the rubber tensile testing machine these four advantages

Ideal test results can not be separated from the rubber tensile testing machine these four advantages

Compared with other testing machines on the market, rubber tensile testing machine is mainly for different materials and a series of tensile, compression and shear and other different properties of the test when the use of a test machine equipment, the same is not just use rubber objects, for plastic composite materials and steel, fiber optic wires and cables can be accurately test some of the materials. In the scope of application, rubber tensile testing machine is also very wide, such as scientific research institutes, colleges and universities own some leather, tires and textiles, and other different industries on the development and utilization of materials and quality inspection and control, this testing machine is * equipment.  Want to get the ideal test results.

Rubber Tensile Testing MachineNeed to meet the four major conditions: 1, large stroke: due to the rubber stretching deformation is very large, especially latex products, the elongation rate of up to 1000% or more, so in the rubber specimen before the fracture, it must be ensured that the gripper has enough stroke.  2, accurate distance measurement and recording device: specimen distance measurement is an important data to calculate the elongation of rubber, so the rubber tensile testing machine must accurately measure the strain of the specimen, and instantly record.  3, accuracy and frequency of data acquisition: stretching rubber does not require a lot of force, tension measurement range does not need to be very large, so the need for force value accuracy. Generally require the testing machine to be able to seek the accuracy of the force value more than two decimal places. In addition, due to the detection of rubber tensile properties need to stretch the process of several tensile values, and tensile test is not repeatable, so the immediate recording of each stage of the tensile force value on the success or failure of the test plays a very important role.  4, can accurately describe the stress-strain curve of the device: tensile specimens in the tension value and the distance between the scale has a close relationship, such as the specimen's fixed tensile stress need to measure the specimen stretched to a given elongation of the force value, depending on the stress need to measure the specimen stretched to the given stress of the scale distance. Upon completion of the test, an accurate stress-strain curve reproduces the test process and clearly reflects the values of each test section, making it easy to calculate the items required for the test.